Lady Science no. 38: Activists and Tinkerers

Lady Science no. 38: Activists and Tinkerers

An Emancipation Proclamation to the Motherhood of America by Jennifer Young 

Women Tinkerers: Gender and Labor in Jellyfish Husbandry by Samantha Muka 

This month, guest writer and public historian Jennifer Young writes about birth control pioneer Dr. Hanna Stone and her public health activism in interwar United States. Contributing Editor Samantha Muka takes a look at women tinkerers in jelly fish husbandry and how labor within the field is divided along lines of gender. 

This is issue is published in syndication with The New Inquiry

Image credit: From left to right: Sigrid Brestwell, Antoinette Field, Elizabeth Pissort, Margaret Sanger, Hannah Mayer Stone, and Marcella Sideri via Margaret Sanger Papers Project

Lady Science no. 39: "Power to Disrupt and Power to Sustain"

Lady Science no. 39: "Power to Disrupt and Power to Sustain"

Lady Science no. 37: Anniversary Issue

Lady Science no. 37: Anniversary Issue