No. 18: Science at the Fringe: Gender and the Paranormal

No. 18: Science at the Fringe: Gender and the Paranormal

Vulgar Women, Queer Men, and Unruly Spirits by Leila A. McNeill

Visitation and Violence: Gender and the UFO Phenomenon by Anna Reser 

In this issue, Leila writes about the role of women mediums in 19th century spiritualism and the struggle for scientific authority in 20th century psychical research. Anna looks at the problem of abduction narratives and scientific evidence in the field of ufology.

Image credit: "Spirit" photograph, supposedly taken during a seance, actually a double exposure or composite of superimposed cut-outs, showing woman with portraits of men and women around her head by John K. Hallowell andS.W. Fallis, photographer (Library of Congress | no known restrictions)

No. 19: Science and Feminism in the Anthropocene

No. 19: Science and Feminism in the Anthropocene

No. 17: Embracing Nature: The Women of the Eco-Feminist Movement

No. 17: Embracing Nature: The Women of the Eco-Feminist Movement