Lady Science no. 22: Disability, Gender, and the Constructed Environment

Lady Science no. 22: Disability, Gender, and the Constructed Environment

Disability, Pregnancy, and the Continued Fight for Workers' Rights by Leila A. McNeill

Astronormate: The Image of Ability in the American Space Program by Anna Reser

In this issue, Leila writes about the intersection of disability, pregnancy, and labor rights in legislation and the workplace. Anna explores how disability conditions the image of the astronaut in the early American space program. 

Image credit: President Barack Obama signs Executive Order increasing federal employment of individuals with disabilities. (White House | CC BY 3.0)

Lady Science no. 23: Graphic History: Lovelace and Curie in Color

Lady Science no. 23: Graphic History: Lovelace and Curie in Color

No. 21: Women at the Intersection of Art and Science

No. 21: Women at the Intersection of Art and Science