Lady Science no. 37: Anniversary Issue

Lady Science no. 37: Anniversary Issue

To mark our third anniversary, we officially launching the Lady Science Podcast! Each month, Lady Science editors and guests will take a deep dive into a topic on women and gender in the history of science. The episodes will be released on the third Friday of every month, concurrent with the regular magazine issue. Today, we launch with two episodes: the Pilot episode on nursing history and a Halloween themed Episode 2 on ufology, spiritualism, and witches.

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Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher or download straight from our website for monthly episodes.

We are also happy to share the new cover of our upcoming Lady Science Anthology: Volume III

The anthology will be released on January 28, 2018, and it will feature new contributors and a new introduction. As in previous years and in keeping with our commitment to keep Lady Science open and free, the anthology will be published as a free e-book.


We are still running our October fundraiser! So far, we have raised $2180. Help us reach our final goal of $3000:

  • Make a one-time donation: We are offering new options for one-time donations through the end of the month, including a weekly raffle with limited-time prize package giveaways, the opportunity to sponsor a commissioned post on our website, and an option to match donations. Please see our donation page for details

  • Make a monthly pledge: The most important source of funding for us is monthly contributions through Patreon. This provides us with a stable monthly income and helps ensure that we can always cover the costs of each issue.

  • Podcast Launch and Birthday Party: If you’ll be in Albuquerque, NM area on October 26, you’re invited to a spooky, sciencey Lady Science party! We’re celebrating three years, selling merch, and running a Gender Pay Gap Raffle.

  • Spread the word: If you can’t donate, no problem! Please share our fundraiser with anyone in your networks who may be interested in helping out

Whether you’ve given your financial support, shared Lady Science with others, or continue to read us every month, your sustained investment and interest in Lady Science has contributed to our expansion. Thank you so very much. We are excited to see what’s next!

Lady Science no. 38: Activists and Tinkerers

Lady Science no. 38: Activists and Tinkerers

Lady Science no. 36: Looking for Life and Understanding Death

Lady Science no. 36: Looking for Life and Understanding Death